| Marcus Doyle |

Blue Pool, Iceland
Chromogenic print (Kodak Ultra Endura)
49-1/4 x 65 in. (1251 x 1651 mm)
Signed and editioned (edition of 3, plus 2 APs), although currently a unique print and unlikely to be replicated. Custom framing, crating and mounting are inclusive. Shipping is additional.Marcus Doyle was born October 26, 1972 in Carlisle, Cumbria, in the north of England. After graduating with honors with a BA in Photography in 1995, Doyle set up a studio and commercial darkroom in north London. This enabled him to shoot non-commercial work, free from the critiques of art directors and others, whom he feared might steer his work away from what he felt he wanted to achieve. "I began traveling with my camera and became interested in the boundaries people create within a society and started to photograph examples of these using large format cameras. After several trips to my home town in the north of England, I became a witness to the constant new housing developments and manmade urban sprawls. It was this that prompted me to begin a new project. These images were mostly shot at night with whatever light was available. I found that the long exposures and resulting saturated colors created a world few of us are actually familiar with but still live in every day." Doyle is painstaking careful and has often come away from an entire month's shooting with only one striking image. He uses no filters. Doyle has had several one-man shows, including "Isolation London" and "Dumped London", and his work has recently been featured at Paris Photo, Photo San Francisco, Photo New York and Photo London. He has a book on his work entitled, "Marcus Doyle: Night Vision, Intimacies of an Unblinking Eye".
Price: $20,000 (ref. 8373)