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Ray Bidegain |

Red Feathers and Blown Away, DypticRed Feathers and Blown Away, Dyptic

Red Feathers and Blown Away, Dyptic
Wet Plate Collodion on Aluminum (2 Ambrotypes)
4-1/2 x 3-1/2 in. (114 x 89 mm)
Size refers to each plate. Signed, dated and titled on verso. A unique ambrotype still life on aluminum. Ray Bidegain received a BA in commercial photography from the Brooks Institute of Photography. He spent the next 20 years honing his craft as a commercial portrait and fine arts photographer. He has photographed many notables, including former basketball great Michael Jordan. In 1998 Bidegain began to make small platinum/palladium art prints and has spent the last seven years perfecting these prints and images. The focus of most of his work is now the fine art printing of his own personal images.
Price: $1,500 (ref. 11054)
