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Will Jacks |

Burning the Fields

Burning the Fields
Pigment ink print on archival paper
0 x 0 in. (0 x 0 mm)
Signed, titled and editioned (10/50) by artist in ink in bottom margin recto of the print.Will Jacks was born in Cleveland, MS. He is a graduate of Cleveland High School and studied at Millsaps College with a BA in Spanish. He completed his education in 1997 at the University of Mississippi, where he majored in journalism.In addition to many civic and professional organizations, he is the owner of wiljax,inc., a free lance photography studio, and a member of the Cleveland Volunteer Fire Department.Jacks was the winner of the 2011 Peoples' Choice award for this photo, titled "Burning the Fields." The photo, one of 70 in the recent SlowExposures 2011 exhibition is a photo with a single figure tending to the annual ritual of giving back to Nature --- burning the old crops and readying the farm for the new harvest sure to come.
Price: $750 (ref. 12875)
